
The summer's marathon fixtures are coming round fast, and athletes of all levels will be considering whether they run the race in their sports gear... or mix it up and have some fun with fancy dress! An incredible number of people do run half and full marathons in full-on fancy dress, and the crowd loves them! As often as not, they are dressed up to raise awareness for a charity and support their fundraising efforts - but sometimes these runners are simply adding to the colour and atmosphere of the event - and kids certainly get a huge buzz out of seeing their favourite TV stars, historical figures or funny characters racing along!

Being overtaken by a Man Riding a Dinosaur?

Some runners do say that there is nothing more dispiriting than training for the hardest run of a person's life, only to be overtaken by someone dressed head to toe in fur as a giant camel, dinosaur or ostrich. Watching a couple race by in a two person costume begs the question; how do these runners do it? But it's all done in the best of fun and brings the carnival and party atmosphere that makes these events electric!


Picking the right fancy dress outfits

So if you're considering wearing a fancy dress outfit, what should you be weighing up for your decision? Well, firstly, unless you are either unbelievably fit and confident in your running abilities - or slightly wild - then avoid something thick, tight fitting, heavy or with large head pieces - you will melt if it's a sunny day!

Pick something light and fun that will allow you to keep cool and not chafe those sensitive areas! A short Caesar toga based fancy dress costume would be excellent, with a golden laurel to foresee your run success! The toga is thin and light, and will allow the air to circulate! Otherwise, why not dress up as one of the TV stars of the 118 188 commercial - with retro shorts, t-shirt and curly wig 'n tache (or grow your own!). Those who are feeling a little bit, erm, overly confident might enjoy the bacon outfit – it does come with the added benefit of no sleeves – for that all important ventilation! If you're part of a running duo then we suggest going for the bacon and egg costume, everyone knows this combination can't be beaten on the plate, let alone on the running track. We are confident that this will go down a treat!


Remember on the day, if you are running in costume, you must do an advance check for any potential chafing or soreness. Aim to keep your running tights and socks incorporated into the look - and definitely wear proper trainers at all costs! Drink more water than you might usually to stay hydrated - and have plenty of fun; the crowd will love your humour and good will!